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MyoLabs Blog
Is Digital Fitness the Future for Global Health?
When we think about things such as global health, how are we supposed to entice such a large population to take their health seriously...
5 Benefits to Jumping Rope (It's Not Just for Cardio!)
Jumping rope is a great form of exercise for those of all ages. It provides a great workout that elevates the heart rate, improves...
Sodium Isn’t the Devil You Think It Is
As the years go by, more and more nutrition and diet myths become debunked. Remember when fat was supposedly “bad” for you and would make...
3 Things You Should Focus On to Maximize Muscle Growth
When it comes to aligning yourself to maximize muscle growth, there are a few things you should make sure you are doing. This article is...
Issues Sleeping Following Nighttime Workouts? Try This!
One of the biggest problems that many gym-goers face is the fact that they can only fit in a workout at night due to their crazy...
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